Tuesday, May 17, 2011

I Am Numba 2, the Birth of iWorlds, and I AM COMING HOME!


Well now, Blogger was down last night, so you'll have to forgive my post that is later than I wanted it to be, but all the same, Monday was actually a good day, and that's exciting because Mondays usually suck beyond comprehension.

Bowling is the funnest class I have ever taken. Ever. I liked it so much that I did whatever it took to get my own ball, and shoes this semester so that I could get better. I actually improved quite a bit, enough to take second place in the class on the final day (I'll spare you the breakdown of how this really happened, but as far as you need to know, I am the bomb- and you are not (at least when it comes to bowling (how many parenthesis can I fit inside of parenthesis) so just live with it) so there).

Here is a picture of me, so incredibly happy with my second place trophy:

Yup, you got that right, a bowling pin that's been tie dyed. Regardless, it's looking great, and it matches my shirt. Perhaps it was just meant to be. Anyways, let's take a look at the person who fell in right behind me, my arch nemesis, Anthony Bringetto:

My camera doesn't like action shots, hence the blurriness. However, Anthony tried so very hard to be the best, like no one ever was... But fell short, and became number 3, and is now subject to all my whims, and commands. It's wonderful having destroyed him in this contest of bowling. The best part is not only did I take second, but I defeated him in every other game we played as well. Man, it felt great. He had demolished me for most of the semester, and Hell finally froze over so as to let me win.

Regardless, Anthony didn't take to kindly to that, and we did have a bit of a scuffle:

But don't worry. The good guy always wins, and that is... That is me of course.

And then I bowled with my three favorite people from class, Anabel, Dana, and Monica. I don't know how Anabel slipped out of the picture taking game- probably because I was so high on myself because I was number 2, but, regardless, she is in the category though no photo is available, but here are Dana and Monica:

They are just so happy to be bowling with numba 2 ;) The best part of this story is that Monica was all day trying to find something that she could say to fit into my blog. She continuously made comments like "Hey, you should put that into your blog," or, "Yeah, that could go in your blog". So I decided to give her a paragraph all to herself. Yay for Monica! Haha! Good work Monica, your efforts paid off- you made it.

Dana, on the other hand, is much more reserved and quiet- and when there is no pressure on the line, is a fantastic bowler,  but the minute there is something to be had sitting on the table... She runs and hides in the gutter on the right side, never to be seen again :P JK, nah, Dana is great. We had a lot of wonderful games in which she smashed me, and it is going to suck not having her in a class next semester. Who else am I going to pick on?

Here is Anthony's team for the semester. All them all got trophies, because they were all ridiculously good. It makes me sick, but... I'm still numba 2! So, I think I can get over it :P

And while I'm pulling pictures from my phone, check this out:

If you can't figure out what's wrong in this picture, then that's fine, it just means you aren't very observant. BUTT, if you haven't got the hint yet, then you really are pathetic, and you don't deserve to be anywhere but BEHIND the rest of the world. I would hit you with the BACKSIDE of my hand if you didn't get it. I hope at this point you are laughing hysterically, because that is just weird, and I was.

Moving along, here is Pat Thompson, who was the teacher in our bowling class. She's also been a really good friend for the semester, and I have really appreciated all that she has done for me in class, out of class, around class, etc. She is the epitome of a great teacher- one who cares both about the student, and the academics, not just one or the other.

In other news, iWorlds (a Space Center knockoff), is opening this week or something like that, and ABC 4 did a news story on them. Not that I care that the news story was done, but no offense to the reporter, to those of us that know what's going on, she sounds like an absolute retard. Seriously, if you are going to do a story, at least know what you are talking about. Regardless- I am really, really excited for iWorlds, I think that it is a wonderful idea, and wanted to give them a little hype:

iWorlds Space Center Visits Thanksgiving Point

You can watch the video from there. It is kind of long- but is worth being able to make fun of the reporter who doesn't get that this is a futuristic simulation. It's funny.

I don't think I have anything more to add to this. So here is what took up my yesterday.

1) It snowed last night, and was great weather. How awesome was that?!
2) The weather is what I miss most about Utah, and it has been pretty similar to that. For that I am grateful.
3) I continue to learn who my true friends are, and I appreciate every single one of them. Most of them know who they are, some may wonder, if you are wondering, you probably count. IF not, just ask me, and I'll tell you. All y'all know that I am blunt, and would let you know :).

Plus, I found out when I'll be able to be at home. The dates are from Friday until the 12th of next month, and then from July 20th on. YAY!


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