This last week has been an absolute roller coaster with preparing for this camp. I guess they said it best when they said 'when it rains, it pours'. I got bombarded with changing schools, and trying to figure out what's best there, and working to take care of things left undone at Fresno, and then trying to organize this camp, and whatever other drama exists. The camp that I had prepared wasn't ready to go the way that it should have been, and we ran into a problem- my co-workers weren't wanting to deal with that lack of preparation, and when my boss brought that to my attention, gears had to shift.
I've spent over 100 hours in a room about 20 feet long, and 8 feet wide, writing on a white board, and whatever window space I could find in there trying to make up a leadership camp. I slowly realized that I was inadequate in so many ways. Who am I to try and teach leadership. I have no clout, no position, no power. I make more mistakes than the average human being. I didn't know what I was doing exactly. While spending those hours of time, trying to make this camp, something magical happened- all of my co-workers came to my aid. And this was without being paid. People came out of the woodwork to help make this thing go. I've never in all my years here seen people come to anyone's rescue like they have me.
I learned a great lesson from this experience. That lesson is that true leadership is leading by example, stepping up when someone else isn't, and doing what needs to be done before it needs done. So many of my co-workers have jumped both feet in to help this thing get through. Their ideas, their imaginations, and their drive made it possible to accomplish the goals that we have. I have never felt so blessed to be surrounded by the people that I am. What a great place to be, and how grateful I am to them. You have all taught me what it actually means to be a leader by the way you have been leading for the time running up to this camp.
That's all for tonight. I haven't slept in 3 days. I am tired, and I have 2 more very long days that have to be filled with my energy.
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